Monday, February 7, 2011

February 5th

Saturday night was spent at the Circle Tavern in Avalon with my lovely Exponent. Sarah Langston! [Jackie couldn't make it because she was up in Philly, the three of us usually always roll together.] Sarah has been one of my best friends for about six years now. She's brillant and has a very dry and fantanstic sense of humor. the nickname 'exponent' came about in highschool when we worked at Coffee Talk, went & taught at Dancers Two together, ran Cross Country, and participated in the school Musical together. We deciced it would be best if we were Sarah Squared or one anothers Exponents. I mean, it makes the most sense. Sarah is one of those really dedicated friends, so dedicated that she 'helped' me with a math exam while she was traveling in Amsterdamn! Thanks again for that Squiz, I owe you ;) Cheers to you squared, thanks for being fabulous!

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