Friday, February 18, 2011

February 13th

As I was laying in bed Sunday afternoon/night I was thinking to myself how blessed I am to live in a country where I am able to have antibiotics. In other countries people die of illnesses that we in America get over in a matter of days, because of antibiotics and medicine. I am so grateful for the simple script that is written for me to receive the medicine I need. I was doing some research online about the availability of medicines in different countries around the world and I came across a fascinating but deeply sad fact. In this article it states, "it would cost a low-skilled government employee of Tanzania an entire months wages for a course of antibiotics to treat pneumonia." [this is from a health magazine in the UK: their website is,] I know for me it makes me more grateful everytime I walk into CVS to grab my cold medicine or stop by an urgent care center to get written a script for an antibiotic.

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