Fridays weather here in South Jersey was absolutely gorgeous. Friday morning I started my day with Biology class then ran an errand or two. By 1 I was home sitting in the front yard then hanging in my room doing some homework and packing for Punta Cana. When Jordi got off work we headed into Avalon to sit by the inlet. Then we stopped at Circle Tavern for French Fries and drinks. I was home by 8 doing homework. Here are some pictures we snapped on my iPhone. (The last photo is one I took sitting on my bed, looking out my window)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 17th
Thursday was my frist day I really started feeling like myself again aside from the clogged nose and still an itchy throat. Thursday are my forever long days at school. I was on campus from 10:30am until 9pm. As I was studying in the library my mind trailed off (as it usually does) to thinking of the history of Libraries. I heard a few months ago that libraries will not exist as they do today in the future. Basically, due to technology and having information at our fingertips at all times, and with the latest addition of books, e-books. the 'younger' generatioon doesn't see much of a mpoint of walking into the Library. I did some research and found an interesting article about what many think the future of libraries will bring. Check it out.
February 16th
Well, I guess the drive up to the mall, shopping,running errands, then heading right to class was a little too much for me; because Wednesday i was DEAD. I was so exhausted it took everything I had to take a shower. I guess I just pushed myself a little too much. I somehow managed to make it to class and back home just to flop right back on the couch and watch the recorded version of American Idol. My pup Darby lounged with me all day.
February 15th
Tuesday I was feeling a little bit better and ready to get out of the house, so Kristin and I made a trip up to the Cherry Hill mall. We were getting our outfit essentials for our big trip to the Punta Cana. We raced through the mall only stopping at our favorite stores, by the fifth store Kristin had so many bags on her petite 5'1 frame that she literally felt (and looked) like she was going to pass out. looking back on it now makes me laugh. About ten minutes away from the mall was a Bridal Boutique that we needed to stop at for Kristin to try on a bridesmaids dress. This boutique was on the side of a busy highway and it was a two story brick house. You would have easliy passed it if you weren't quite sure what you were looking for. Heading into the boutique, each from was filled of dresses. We headed upstairs to the bridesmaid room full of dresses and mirrors lining one wall, with a changing room. In the center of a room was a chandaler and a big circular seat. As I was sitting in the chair while Kristin was getting her measurements and trying on the dress, the feel of the room made me feel like a young, wealthy girl sitting her mothers huge walk-in closet. To many it may just be a place to try on uncomfortable dresses but to me that room made my imagination run.
Friday, February 18, 2011
February 14th
Valentines Day...Some love it, some hate it. I'm in between, I don't hate it or love it. It just is. (However, that doesn't mean I'm not a fan of sweet gestures or romance! It just means I expect it more then once a year..and that's the truth!) These Flowers were a gift from my dad to my mom. This past Monday was their [30-something] Valentines Day together. I couldn't ask for better models of love,loyalty,dedication, and an example of a strong bond between people.
February 13th
As I was laying in bed Sunday afternoon/night I was thinking to myself how blessed I am to live in a country where I am able to have antibiotics. In other countries people die of illnesses that we in America get over in a matter of days, because of antibiotics and medicine. I am so grateful for the simple script that is written for me to receive the medicine I need. I was doing some research online about the availability of medicines in different countries around the world and I came across a fascinating but deeply sad fact. In this article it states, "it would cost a low-skilled government employee of Tanzania an entire months wages for a course of antibiotics to treat pneumonia." [this is from a health magazine in the UK: their website is,] I know for me it makes me more grateful everytime I walk into CVS to grab my cold medicine or stop by an urgent care center to get written a script for an antibiotic.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
February 12th
February 10th
February 9th
February 7th
Jen's FAMOUS tacos. JMatts Tacos has become legend around our group of friends. Kristin would always talk about how fabulous, delicious, mouth-watering good they are. And After I ate them myself on Monday night, I could not agree more! Jen put her own spices on the meat and she soaks the soft-shell taco in vegetable oil just long enough for it to harden a little, then sprinkling salt on them. YUM. The group of us were shoving our faces so much we didn't even speak to one another while eating! Thanks JMatt :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
February 5th
Saturday night was spent at the Circle Tavern in Avalon with my lovely Exponent. Sarah Langston! [Jackie couldn't make it because she was up in Philly, the three of us usually always roll together.] Sarah has been one of my best friends for about six years now. She's brillant and has a very dry and fantanstic sense of humor. the nickname 'exponent' came about in highschool when we worked at Coffee Talk, went & taught at Dancers Two together, ran Cross Country, and participated in the school Musical together. We deciced it would be best if we were Sarah Squared or one anothers Exponents. I mean, it makes the most sense. Sarah is one of those really dedicated friends, so dedicated that she 'helped' me with a math exam while she was traveling in Amsterdamn! Thanks again for that Squiz, I owe you ;) Cheers to you squared, thanks for being fabulous!
February 4th
Kristin, Tori, and I surprised our boys with dinner and Ice-Skating on Friday night...We all had the best time! We stopped for dinner at the Tuckahoe Inn in Marmora, I've never been but the food was excellent! I ordered the tune with extra veggies. The six of us all had a great time at dinner. Then the best part of the night, Ice-Skating! Mostly in the beginning of skating, I held on for dear life on the wall, after a little while that got boring so I had to grip onto the girls. Then since Danny was the best ice-skater he took each of us girls around the rink to help us out! What a fabulous group-date night :)
February 3rd
February 2nd
Glitter Nail-Polish, because everyone needs a little sparkle!
how fun! O.P.I has come out with a new brand of nail polish and it's all sparkle, I was a little hesitant at first to throw that on my finger-nails. half the time my nails look like shit with chipped nail polish and hangnails. [Gross, i know] However, I went for it anyway and had some fun with it. only painted two nails with glitter and the other a nude color. [that later changed when i thought it needed MORE so i painted my nails a bright fuchsia with the glitter nails.] Anyway, add some sparkle and fun and go glitter ;)
February 1st
Recently I've been jamming to:
"What's my name" [Rihanna & Drake]
"All we Have" [Brett Dennen]
"Muny" [Nicki Minaj]
"Jar of Hearts" [Christina Perri]
"Animal" [Neon Trees]
"Give in to Me" [Garrett Hedlund]
"Lay and Love" [Bonnie Billy]
"Fuck You" [Cee lo Green]
"Walking far from Home" [Iron & Wine]
"Papa was a Rolling Stone"[Temptations]
"Mine is Yours" [Cold War Kids]
"Electric" [Tristian Prettyman]
"Best Part about me is You" [Ricky Martin]
"Grenade" [Bruno Mars]
a wide variety of music. If any of them sound interesting just listen to a bit on iTunes or YouTube the song! Enjoy!
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