Monday, January 31, 2011
January 30th,2011
Love you ma!
Endless support from my loving Dad.
After four years of working on her doctorate degree my mom graduated from Wilimington University, located in Delaware with the highest form of education. Not only does my mom now have her doctorate degree she has two masters degrees as well as a bachelors. When they called my moms name to accept her dilplomia I felt pure, true, genuine, joy. my eyes filled with tears
and I roared with excitment. My mother began her journey through learning and education at West Chester University.
When I was applying to colleges my senior year of highschool and feeling very overwhelmed she told me a story of how she applied by her self to college and when she was accepted she went into college head on having no idea what the hell to do with one suitcase in her hand. My mom was the first in her family to graduate from college. And has she come a loooong way.
I look up to my mom in so many ways, she is my mentor, my teacher, my rock, my comfort, my dance partner, and my dearest friend.
Cheers to you mom! for a job well done. I couldn't be more proud.
January 29th, 2011
Saturday night started off with my niece's 7th birthday at Chuckie Cheese! it was complete chaos to be surronded by over one hundred kids all screaming and running. Half the time I couldn't even find any of the kids, but Jordyn had the time of her life!! Thanks to her fabulous Step-Mom and Father :) After hanging out for a little while, the hour and fifteen minute drive down to Wilmington Delaware began. When arriving at the hotel to meet my parents we walked over to Applebees for some appetizers and drinks. We "cheers" to the day that we were about to have tomorrow, My mom's graduation of getting her doctorates.
January 25th, 2011
The other day while studying for one of my classes, I glanced down at my wrist and noticed that I was wearing three different bracelets all standing for different beliefs. The first gold and copper bracelet is a hindu aum shivaya healing bracelet. Shiva is the great teacher that brings the many lessons we must learn and accept to make progress on the spiritual path, as well as the destroyer of an ego that prevents from moving forward in liberation. The second bracelet is a bracelet with different saints from the Catholic religion, it has photos on Jesus, Mary, Saint Francis, Saint Michael, Saint Anthony etc. The last red string bracelet is a bracelet called Mukhi Rudraksha depending on how many bracelets you wear depends on what you are trying to practice. For exampling wearing one bracelet is to help you concentrate on one thing at a time, helps you meditate, and helps you to try to detach yourself from material objects. [If you were to wear four bracelets it can help you with anxiety or insomnia, wearing up to 7 bracelets will help you focus on acquiring wealth.] As I glance down at my wrist i think to myself, "I wish the religions and spirituality of the world could the way the bracelets do on my wrist, just sit next to one another and honor one anothers meaning."
Monday, January 24, 2011
January 24th, 2011
As I was sitting at my kitchen table this morning starting my day with my perfect cup of coffee and just about to finish up the fourth Twilight book, I noticed a postcard sitting on the table. I picked it up and realized it was for me! I quickly read the card with excitement and had a huge smile across my face. The postcard was from my amazing friend Cailin [pronounced Kay-Lean]. Cailin and i meet years and years ago because we were actually dating brothers and stayed some what connected over the years. More recently, about September, we decided to get together for lunch and reconnect. Well we reconnected alright! She was in South Jersey for the summer and stayed until December 28th. I saw Cailin almost every single day when she was home [usually Cailin works about four jobs in the summer to set sail in October. She travels all over the world] Cailin recently started her journey in Southern California to venture off to see her best friend Julie in Washington then hopped on a plane to Cambodia until May where she will be bopping around to find great food and meet new incredible people. I was so happy to get a post-card from CC to see she is thinking of me just as much as I am thinking of her. I'll be thinking of you CC on your travels and will be sending you love and light each time i think of you!
"we ditched the brothers and kept each other" - Cailin.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
January 23rd, 2011
January 21st, 2011
Girls night with our Millie
26th and Dune, Maggies Resturant. One place brought four incredible women in my life.
Friday night we spent it as a girls night with our Millie, a 'regular' who has been coming into the resturant for years. Each one of us have a great relationship with Millie. Millie is in her late 70's and is so full of life, she is extremly independent, giving, and an amazing artist. She know's all of us so well, and truly cares about each one of us. Erin and I have clicked from the start. She is quirky, has a great and personal sense of style, and simply cracks me up! Erin can be a little rough around the edges but is very warmhearted. Victoria aka Tori is bubbly,vivacious and with Tori, it's really the little things that make her extremly cheerful. Tori is compassionate, espically towards animals. Kristin...Seven years ago when we meet at Maggies, right away I knew she was someone I would look up to. Kristin has become my older sister, we have a bond that has become unbreakable. Kristin is one of those people who would do absolutley anything for you and expect nothing in return but a 'thankyou'. One of my favorite qualities about her? she tells you like it is, even if you don't want to hear it. THAT is someone EVERYONE needs in their life, a true friend who is honest. She has become my rock through out the most difficult times in my life.
we talked and ate and drank and talked and talked and drank and talked. We finally all headed home after hours of spending the evening together.
Later on I was reflecting on the night and realized it really does not matter what age you are, where you came from, how you grew up, what form of education of you have. If souls connect, they simply connect.
one of my greatest decisions on life...Applying to Maggies Resturant in Avalon, 26th & Dune.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
January 20th, 2011
I bought that coffee mug today. I love it.
I need a bigger bookshelf, books are starting to pile around my room.
I am thankful I know how to read.
I am also thankful for the opportunity of an education.
Books are the bees which carry the quickening
pollen from one mind to another : James Russel Lowell
January 19th, 2011
I love National Geographic! I read an interesting article about how your world will change once the worlds population hits 7BILLION! NatGeo speaks about how Food, Fuel, and Protection will become more difficult to have. In one section of the article it showed a small family living in poverty and it says:
one in seven people on earth live in slums today. Providing them with better housing and education will be one of the greatest challenges facing a world of seven billion and counting.
I think everyone should take a few moments to read this!
Furthermore, in my reading there was an incredible article of a Native American community who called themselves the Cahokia. The article speaks about how in the mid 12th-century Cahokia was the largest native community in North America. Smaller settlements shared similar featurs of the Cahokia's. Such as large plaza's, platform mounds, and protective stockades. NatGeo calls this, Americas lost City. The Cahokia Mounds in Illinois is one of eight cultural world heritage sistes in the U.S. [if you go onto and type in 'Cahokia' the article will pop up...take time to read of our true settlers] It's incredible to think of what the United States us to be. I have such a respect for Native American and find the tribes history fasinating. Road Trip to Illinois anyone?
January 18th, 2011
First day of classes the 18th, This will be my last semester at ACCC. I am tackling head on Statistics, Anatomy, Biology and Psychology of Child Development. As much as I am dreading the amount of work these classes are going to ask for, I have actually become eager to learn more about these subjects.
January 16th, 2011
meaning of the name Lana:
(Hawiian) to float
(Celtic) Harmony, Peace, Little Rock
(Old Greek) bright one, shining one.
name meaning of Lana
January 13th, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
January 11th, 2011
January 10th, 2011
"All that we have is hope and love, so don't you worry child, don't you worry about a thing in the night, but those can rise above, can rise above the madness. Soon we'll find our way home 'cause we all need a little healing sometimes, soon we'll find our own way home, 'cause we all need a little healing, so give love it's the only thing that heals you."- Brett Dennen
I received this book as an extremely thoughtful gift from Kristin. This book is GREAT for ideas of how to help everywhere over the world and the best part about this book is they give you the resources. Who to call and how to set-up a trip to get involved. As I look through this book I couldn't help but bookmark almost every page of places I want to go to help! Not only is it over-seas trip but also plaves you can help in the U.S.! They have ways to help animals, children, elders, those with disablities, those in poverty, and those in your own neighborhood. One trip I am going to set up, is staying with Native Americans in Washington state. You live with these familes on reservations and they teach you everything about their tribe, their lay of the land and the history of their people. How amazing it will be to learn from these families, I. CAN.NOT.WAIT. BAH!
January 9th, 2011
One good thing about winter is that it gives me TONS of time to organize! I completely re-organized both my closets the other days. color coorinated clothes, but sweatshirts in one place, t-shirts in another, coats on one side, shoes in their boxes. purses in one area, hats together, swimwuits in one drawer. this may sound exremely 'dorky' but i LIKE being organized and having things clean and put away. Having lots of things or piles around me that I don't need, just make me feel stressed out. My method? give it away or throw it out!
January 8th, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
January 6th 2011
P90X here i come! The only sneakers I have ever owned, other then van slip ons or chuck taylors, have been sneakers that i wear only for work. I deciced to treat myself to running sneakers because I am going to try out this p90x! I absolutely love these shoes they are super leight weight and are perfect for running.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January 4th, 2011
R.I.P agenda book 2010. Hello agenda book 2011 :) For those of you who DO know me know that I carry my planner and write everything down. since I have been doing this religiously for one year, It was driving me crazy not to have one for the past three days. I'm not into keeping things in order on my Iphone, it's just not the same as writing it down. Thanks to my older sister, Kristin for teaching me how to be so organized!
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